Delimited Blocks

Sidebar Blocks

A sidebar is a short piece of text presented outside the narrative flow of the main text. The sidebar is normally presented inside a bordered box to set it apart from the main text.

.An Example Sidebar
Any AsciiDoc SectionBody element (apart from
SidebarBlocks) can be placed inside a sidebar.


An Example Sidebar

Any AsciiDoc SectionBody element (apart from SidebarBlocks) can be placed inside a sidebar.

You may also used the attribute role to control padding and rounded corners.

With role set to value well-small Bootstrap 2, or well-sm Bootstrap 3

.An Example Sidebar
Any AsciiDoc SectionBody element (apart from
SidebarBlocks) can be placed inside a sidebar.


An Example Sidebar

Any AsciiDoc SectionBody element (apart from SidebarBlocks) can be placed inside a sidebar.

With role set to value well-large Bootstrap 2, or well-lg Bootstrap 3

.An Example Sidebar
Any AsciiDoc SectionBody element (apart from
SidebarBlocks) can be placed inside a sidebar.


An Example Sidebar

Any AsciiDoc SectionBody element (apart from SidebarBlocks) can be placed inside a sidebar.

Open Blocks

Open blocks are special: they are used to generate document abstracts, book part introductions and more.

Here we will used it to display a very simple two columns layout.

Focus on openblock

For demonstration purpose only, and to understand where are the visual limit of open block, we used these css rules :

.openblock {
    border: 1px dashed;
    height: 300px;
    background-color: #fff;
    padding: 0.2em;
.A side intro title
*The main title*

And the content, what could be whatever you want: table, image, listing, ...


A side intro title

The main title

And the content, what could be whatever you want: table, image, listing, …

Design under control

A bit ugly, but may be improved with css rules. Set a CSS class (timeline for example) to the role attribute, with following definitions :

.timeline > .title {
    background-color: blue;
    color: white;
    padding: 20px 20px;
    text-align: center;
    margin: 0;
.timeline > .content  {
    padding: 40px 20px;
.timeline > .content > p > strong {
    font-size: 30px;
    color: navy;
.A side intro title
*The main title*

And the content, what could be whatever you want: table, image, listing, ...


A side intro title

The main title

And the content, what could be whatever you want: table, image, listing, …

Choose side of main content

You can also change the side of intro title (default is left), by adding the halign attribute with right value.

.A side intro title
*The main title*

And the content, what could be whatever you want: table, image, listing, ...


A side intro title

The main title

And the content, what could be whatever you want: table, image, listing, …

Width of two columns

You can control width of both columns with the cols attribute. Default values are 3,9. That means col-md-3 or span3 for intro title, and col-md-9 or span9 for main content.

.A side intro title
*The main title*

And the content, what could be whatever you want: table, image, listing, ...


A side intro title

The main title

And the content, what could be whatever you want: table, image, listing, …

Blog signature

On blog, we used also a signature to identify origin of an article and its author. Optional attributes citetitle and attribution are there for that.

You may also used these attributes to display other informations.
[role="timeline",citetitle="from",attribution="Author's name"]
.A side intro title
*The main title*

And the content, what could be whatever you want: table, image, listing, ...


A side intro title

The main title

And the content, what could be whatever you want: table, image, listing, …

— Author's name

Visit our expo for other concrete examples.