Exclude all PHP5 functions when calculating the version needed


This example show how to find the minimum version of PHP4 when you remove all PHP5 optional functions of your implementation codes.


This example requires mandatory resources :

Source Code

How to parse

  1. <?php
  2. require_once 'PHP/CompatInfo.php';
  4. $source  = '/tmp/PhpDocumentor-1.4.2';
  5. $options = array('ignore_versions' => array('5.0.0', '5.1.0'));
  7. $driverOptions = array('silent' => false, 'progress' => 'bar');
  9. $info = new PHP_CompatInfo('csv', $driverOptions);
  10. $info->parseFolder($source, $options);
  11. ?>


-  56/203 files [=======>---------------------]  27.59% Elapsed Time: 00:27.19


Explains step by step

As source directory (to parse) defined at line 4 contains lot of files (203), we use again a progress bar turn on at line 7.

With PHP5 code exclusion, PHPDocumentor 1.4.2 full package, require at lease :

These details are read from the second line of CSV results, just after the header line "Files";"Version";"C";"Extensions";"Constants/Tokens"