$Date: 2005/07/25 10:25:30 $
This example requires :
This example will run a natural horizontal ProgressBar with blue skin. It will also show you how to print something inside cells with an external javascript (replaced internal code).
Percent text info is centered on a 60 pixels width area, on right side of the progress bar.
active-color = #3874B4 inactive-color = #EEEECC width = 10
width = 1 color = navy
width = 60 font-size = 14 background-color = #EEEEEE align = center
var isDom = document.getElementById?true:false; var isIE = document.all?true:false; var isNS4 = document.layers?true:false; var cellCount = 10; function setprogress(pIdent, pValue, pString, pDeterminate) { if (isDom) prog = document.getElementById(pIdent+'installationProgress'); if (isIE) prog = document.all[pIdent+'installationProgress']; if (isNS4) prog = document.layers[pIdent+'installationProgress']; if (prog != null) prog.innerHTML = pString; if (pValue == pDeterminate) { for (i=0; i < cellCount; i++) { showCell(i, pIdent, "hidden"); } } if ((pDeterminate > 0) && (pValue > 0)) { i = (pValue-1) % cellCount; showCell(i, pIdent, "visible"); } else { for (i=pValue-1; i >=0; i--) { showCell(i, pIdent, "visible"); if (isDom) document.getElementById(pIdent+'progressCell'+i+'A').innerHTML = i; if (isIE) document.all[pIdent+'progressCell'+i+'A'].innerHTML = i; if (isNS4) document.layers[pIdent+'progressCell'+i+'A'].innerHTML = i; } } } function showCell(pCell, pIdent, pVisibility) { if (isDom) document.getElementById(pIdent+'progressCell'+pCell+'A').style.visibility = pVisibility; if (isIE) document.all[pIdent+'progressCell'+pCell+'A'].style.visibility = pVisibility; if (isNS4) document.layers[pIdent+'progressCell'+pCell+'A'].style.visibility = pVisibility; }