* Horizontal ProgressBar in indeterminate mode
* without using the Progress_Monitor V2 solution.
* @version $Id: half_basic.php,v 1.2 2005/07/25 11:33:24 farell Exp $
* @author Laurent Laville <pear@laurent-laville.org>
* @package HTML_Progress
* @subpackage Examples
require_once 'HTML/Progress.php';
* This user callback process simulate a reply given after 12 seconds
* Parameters
* 1. current value of the progress bar
* 2. the progress bar (object) itself
function myProgressHandler($progressValue, &$bar)
static $c;
if (!isset($c)) {
$c = time();
// wait a bit ...
/* rules to determine when switch back from indeterminate to determinate mode */
$elapse = time() - $c;
echo "myProgressHandler -> elapse time = $elapse s.<br/>\n";
if ($elapse >= 12) {
if ($bar->isIndeterminate()) {
$progress = new HTML_Progress();
$ui = & $progress->getUI();
'background-color' => '#e0e0e0'
'color' => '#996',
'background-color' => '#CCCC99'
'active-color' => '#996'
$progress->setStringPainted(true); // get space for the string
$progress->setString(""); // but don't paint it
$progress->setIndeterminate(true); // Progress start in indeterminate mode
<title>Basic Indeterminate Mode Progress example</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #CCCC99;
color: #996;
font-family: Verdana, Arial;
a:visited, a:active, a:link {
color: yellow;
<?php echo $progress->getStyle(); ?>
// -->
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php echo $progress->getScript(); ?>
echo $progress->toHtml();