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We would like to announce the availability of PEAR_Info 1.9.2.
This version improve the render of displayed informations : Remove index of packages when channel is empty, and do not display any empty maintainers list.
We would like to announce the availability of PEAR_Info 1.9.1.
This version fixed a bug with CLI output and improved unit tests (code coverage)
We would like to announce the availability of PEAR_Info 1.9.0.
This version improve again a bit more with ability to show list of potential config files.
We would like to announce the availability of final stable version PEAR_Info 1.8.0.
This version conclude the alpha cycle (2 releases) and introduce the text report as phpinfo() did in CLI.
We would like to announce the availability of PEAR_Info 1.8.0a2.
This second alpha version fixed a little problem with location on CLI shell script (on all platforms).
We would like to announce the availability of PEAR_Info 1.8.0a1.
This alpha version, that proprose a CLI clone like phpinfo(), is released for feedback/comments before the final and stable release planned on April 18th.
We would like to announce the availability of PEAR_Info 1.7.1.
This edition of year 2008, clarify a situation about license. See Changelog for details.
We would like to announce the availability of PEAR_Info 1.7.0.
After 3 releases candidate, this new stable version turn a page by dropping support to PEAR 1.3.x (RIP) but give a new cool feature. Ability to customize output information by a series of PEAR_INFO_* constants.
PEAR_Info is also now fully tested with PHPUnit 3.
We would like to announce the availability of PEAR_Info 1.7.0RC3.
This version give ability to customize credits page render, and introduce test suite run with PHPUnit 3.
We would like to announce the availability of PEAR_Info 1.7.0RC2.
This version fixed 1 bug with usage of pear user and sytem config files. It also give ability to display information from all channels of your PEAR install without explicitly giving their names.
We would like to announce the availability of PEAR_Info 1.7.0RC1.
This version fixed 2 bugs and 2 important requests. That make PEAR_Info compatible with all PEAR versions, and introduces a full and flexible configuration system to show only information you want.