[ class tree: HTML_Progress ] [ index: HTML_Progress ] [ all elements ]


$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.10 2005/09/23 14:48:33 farell Exp $

-------------------------Release 1.2.4------------------------
2005-10-01  Laurent Laville <>
    * Quality-Assurance: updates headers comment blocks

    * bugs fixes:
      setBorderPainted(false) inefficient with setBorderAttributes()
      and a positive width attribute value. Always show a border
      arround the progress bar.

-------------------------Release 1.2.3------------------------
2005-08-28  Laurent Laville <>
    * API documentation auto-generation is back (no more 404 error on PEAR website)
    * improved API doc reading and removed unnecessary stuff (unit testcases, ...)
    * online documentation links were changed (see README)

-------------------------Release 1.2.2------------------------
2005-07-25  Laurent Laville <>
    * fix bug#4885 setMaximum highter than 200 will stop progress monitor
    * fix Call time pass by reference error in progress monitor

-------------------------Release 1.2.1------------------------
2004-12-19  Laurent Laville <>
    * fix bug#2577 Call time pass by reference error

-------------------------Release 1.2.0------------------------
2004-09-12  Laurent Laville <>
    * The final and last stable version of branch 1
      of HTML_Progress is finally published on PEAR website.

2004-09-06  Laurent Laville <>
    * HTML_Progress::sleep method use now in most case
      the PHP usleep() function except for PHP4 on Windows System

2004-08-15  Laurent Laville <>
    * begin to write "The Definitive Guide"
      (tutorial and reference)

2004-08-10  Laurent Laville <>
    * fixed all compatibility problem with new error handling

2004-08-07  Laurent Laville <>
    * setAnimSpeed() method in HTML_Progress_Monitor class
      marked as deprecated was removed

2004-08-06  Laurent Laville <>
    * PEAR_ErrorStack was replaced by a simple
      plugin architecture to set any error handling system
      you might want.

2004-08-05  Laurent Laville <>
    * remove $msg optional parameter on raiseError() method
      appeared with RC3.

-------------------------Release 1.2.0RC3---------------------
2004-07-04  Laurent Laville <>
    * The third release candidate of HTML_Progress 1.2.0
      is finally published on PEAR website.

2004-06-27  Laurent Laville <>
    * adds new method HTML_Progress::hide()
    * fixed missing css class (progress id.)
      in HTML_Progress::getStyle() method

2004-06-12  Laurent Laville <>
    * adds new methods
      HTML_Progress::hasErrors() and HTML_Progress::getError()
    * adds $msg parameter on HTML_Progress::raiseError() method

2004-06-05  Laurent Laville <>
    * adds 4 new methods in HTML_Progress class
      - process(), sleep(), run(), setProgressHandler()

-------------------------Release 1.2.0RC2---------------------
2004-05-05  Laurent Laville <>
    * The second release candidate of HTML_Progress 1.2.0
      is finally published on PEAR website.
    * PHPUnit testcases are PEAR_ErrorStack fully compatible

2004-05-05  Laurent Laville <>
    * added more check on parameters of method setCellCoordinates
    * cleensweep on HTML_Progress_Model class error manager

2004-05-04  Laurent Laville <>
    * added option '_pushCallback' (see PEAR_ErrorStack)
      on HTML_Progress stack initialization

2004-05-01  Laurent Laville <>
    * Fixed the square background shadow problem
      when using circle, ellipse shapes family

-------------------------Release 1.2.0RC1---------------------
2004-04-18  Laurent Laville <>
    * The first release candidate of HTML_Progress 1.2.0
      is finally published on PEAR website.

2004-03-20  Laurent Laville <>
    * add Error message logger in classes
      using the new PEAR_ErrorStack package (by Greg Beaver)

2004-03-13  Laurent Laville <>
    * adds 1 new UI method: drawCircleSegments
    * HTML_Progress_Circle is now a new managed shape

2004-02-29  Laurent Laville <>
    * adds 2 new UI methods: setCellCoordinates, getCellCoordinates
    * HTML_Progress_Polygonal is now a new managed shape

2004-02-27  Laurent Laville <>
    * HTML_Progress_Monitor::setAnimSpeed() method is deprecated
    * add basic code error HTML_PROGRESS_DEPRECATED

2004-02-21  Laurent Laville <>
    * PEAR::Net_FTP got observer pattern (see PEAR/Net/FTP/observer.php)
    * PEAR::Net_FTP will replace FTP_Upload for basic ftp commands
    * HTML_Progress_Uploader used now PEAR::Net_FTP package

-------------------------Release 1.1--------------------------
2004-02-14  Laurent Laville <>
    * HTML_Progress_Uploader is the new GUI class for FTP_Upload
    * FTP_Upload is an independant class to manage files ftp upload
      Credit to Tomas VV Cox for idea and code pick from package

2004-02-13  Laurent Laville <>
    * fixes PEAR-BUG#342
      add the new method setAnimSpeed() instead of sleep(1)
    * HTML_Progress_Generator is the next generation of
      interactive tools to build online your own progress bar

2004-02-10  Laurent Laville <>
    * HTML_Progress_Monitor support the QF renderer solution

-------------------------Release 1.0--------------------------
2003-11-15  Laurent Laville <>
    * fixes compatibility with PHP 4.1.0 and
      HTML_Progress_DM::getPercentComplete() method.

2003-11-14  Laurent Laville <>
    * adds HTML_Progress::getScript() method for easy JS grab

2003-11-13  Laurent Laville <>
    * fixes PEAR-BUG#233
      adds new HTML_Progress::getScript() method

2003-11-12  Laurent Laville <>
    * phpDocumentor-tutorial completed

2003-11-06  Laurent Laville <>
    * publish Release Candidate 2

2003-11-04  Laurent Laville <>
    * optimize internal JavaScript code. See getScript() method
    * separate each shape generation into toHtml() method

2003-10-30  Laurent Laville <>
    * publish Release Candidate 1

2003-10-28  Laurent Laville <>
    * Rewrites all API, and adds new features.
    * adds pre-set UI models into ProgressMaker tools.
    * adds ProgressMonitor, an easy way to display progress
      in a dialog box. The user can cancel the task.
    * CSS id and class selectors are customizable.
    * adds ProgressObserver for watching progress bar activity
      and taking actions on exceptional events.

-------------------------Release 0.6.2------------------------
2003-09-24  Laurent Laville <>
    * adds example1f to use two progressbar with iframes solution

2003-09-22  Laurent Laville <>
    * fixes PEAR-BUG#28
    * fixes PEAR-BUG#29
    * examples progress3r[1-2] works now with IE4 and NS4
    * adds example1p to show how to use new parameter
      in setPage() method

-------------------------Release 0.6.1------------------------
2003-09-09  Laurent Laville <>
    * fixes javascript errors with IE4 and NS4 browsers
      Thanks to Christian Wenz
    * include now ProgressMaker, a dynamic tools to build
      and test all functionalities

-------------------------Release 0.6.0------------------------
2003-08-28  Laurent Laville <>
    * Latest optimization on CSS generated

2003-08-27  Laurent Laville <>
    * Tutorial has been upgraded accordinglty
      with new features and examples.

2003-08-26  Laurent Laville <>
    * Add new feature: API setCell to customize cell-display

2003-08-25  Laurent Laville <>
    * Progress bar will now take by default the optimized
      size (height, width).

2003-08-23  Laurent Laville <>
    * More attributes on setText API that allows to have
      a separate zone for percent text info of progress bar.
      The text may be attach on each sides of progress bar
      and not only on right side as in previous version.

    * Add new feature: API setMessage, setMessageLine
      to provides display message on each step of progress

2003-08-20  Laurent Laville <>
    * all bar element size are now exclusively in pixel;
      suppress suffix 'px' on attributes values

2003-08-19  Laurent Laville <>
    * Rewrite code with suggestions of Stefan Neufeind
      and Greg Beaver

-------------------------Release 0.5.0------------------------
2003-08-06  Laurent Laville <>
    * New tutorial/howto is available in bundle distribution
      and online at URL

2003-08-05  Laurent Laville <>
    * 2 news subclasses to create horizontal and vertical
      loading bar (on a idea of Arnaud Limbourg).
    * JavaScript code is now embedded into core HTML_Progress class
      Thanks to Yavor Shahpasov for his comment.

-------------------------Release 0.4.2------------------------
2003-08-01  Laurent Laville <>
    * First public release on PEAR website.

-------------------------Release 0.4.1------------------------
2003-07-24  Laurent Laville <>
    * notice errors is fixed in display method
      Thanks to Davey Shafik.

-------------------------Release 0.4--------------------------
2003-07-23  Laurent Laville <>
    * first stable release of package.

Documentation generated on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 17:25:19 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.2.3