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HTML_Progress2 : The Definitive Guide

Graphical Handler

Fill option
Background color and size
JavaScript handler


HTML_Progress2::getOrientation - Returns orientation of the progress bar
HTML_Progress2::setOrientation - Sets orientation of the progress bar

getOrientation() and setOrientation() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's orientation property.

Fill option

HTML_Progress2::getFillWay - Returns fill option of the progress meter
HTML_Progress2::setFillWay - Sets fill option of the progress meter

getFillWay() and setFillWay() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's fill property.


HTML_Progress2::getCellCount - Returns count of cell in the progress meter
HTML_Progress2::setCellCount - count of cell in the progress meter
HTML_Progress2::getCellAttributes - Returns cell attributes values
HTML_Progress2::setCellAttributes - Sets cell attributes values
HTML_Progress2::getCellCoordinates - Returns coordinates of each cell for a polygonal progress meter
HTML_Progress2::setCellCoordinates - Sets coordinates of each cell for a polygonal progress meter

getCellCount() and setCellCount() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's cell count property.

getCellAttributes() and setCellAttributes() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's cells properties.

getCellCoordinates() and setCellCoordinates() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's cells coordinates properties, that defined a polygonal progress meter (square, rectangle, ...).


HTML_Progress2::getBorderAttributes - Returns progress bar's border attributes values
HTML_Progress2::setBorderAttributes - Sets the progress bar's border attributes
HTML_Progress2::isBorderPainted - Determines whether the progress bar border is painted or not
HTML_Progress2::setBorderPainted - Decides to paint or not a border to the progress bar.

getBorderAttributes() and setBorderAttributes() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's border property.


HTML_Progress2::getFrameAttributes - Returns frame attributes values
HTML_Progress2::setFrameAttributes - Build a frame around the progress bar

getFrameAttributes() and setFrameAttributes() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's frame properties.


HTML_Progress2::getLabelAttributes - Returns attributes values of an existing label
HTML_Progress2::setLabelAttributes - Sets label attributes.
HTML_Progress2::addLabel - Add a new label to the progress meter
HTML_Progress2::removeLabel - Removes a label to the progress meter

getLabelAttributes() and setLabelAttributes() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's label(s) items.

addLabel() and removeLabel() methods provides ability to add and remove unlimited progress meter's label(s) items.

Background color and size

HTML_Progress2::getProgressAttributes - Returns the progress background attributes values
HTML_Progress2::setProgressAttributes - Sets the progress background attributes values

getProgressAttributes() and setProgressAttributes() methods provides reading and setting of progress meter's background color and size properties.

JavaScript handler

HTML_Progress2::getScript - Returns javascript progress meter handler
HTML_Progress2::setScript - Sets the javascript progress meter handler

getScript() and setScript() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's javascript source code, that will handle display refresh.


HTML_Progress2::drawCircleSegments - Draw all circle segment pictures

drawCircleSegments() method provides building of all circle/ellipse segment PNG pictures.

HTML_Progress2 : The Definitive Guide v 2.4.0 : April 20, 2007