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HTML_Progress2 : The Definitive Guide

Common functions

Animation speed


HTML_Progress2::getIdent - Returns the progress meter identifier
HTML_Progress2::setIdent - Sets the progress meter identifier

getIdent() and setIdent() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's id property.

Animation speed

HTML_Progress2::getAnimSpeed - Returns delay execution of the progress meter
HTML_Progress2::setAnimSpeed - Sets delay execution of the progress meter

getAnimSpeed() and setAnimSpeed() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's animation speed property.


HTML_Progress2::getStyle - Returns the cascading style sheet (CSS)

getStyle() method provides getting of the progress meter's styles (CSS) to display the progress meter in a HTML document.


HTML_Progress2::toArray - Returns the progress meter structure into an array
HTML_Progress2::toHtml - Returns the progress meter structure as HTML
HTML_Progress2::display - Renders the new value of progress meter
HTML_Progress2::hide - Hides the progress meter

toArray() method provides a dump of the progress meter's structure that will help in debugging.

toHtml() method provides html code generation of the progress meter, while display() method provides visible render of this code generation to browser.

Once the process is over hide() method provides a solution to remove/hide the progress meter of the browser screen.


HTML_Progress2::sleep - Delay execution
HTML_Progress2::setProgressHandler - Sets the user progress callback function
HTML_Progress2::process - Performs the progress user process
HTML_Progress2::run - Runs the progress meter
HTML_Progress2 : The Definitive Guide v 2.4.0 : April 20, 2007