- 2008-07-24 - HTML_Progress2 2.4.1 (stable) released
This release is really necessary if you use HTML_Progress2_Generator.
- fix parser error on Progress2/Generator/Process.php file
- 2008-04-24 - HTML_Progress2 2.4.0 released
- fixed bug #13664
: setLabelAttributes does not work
- implement request #12532
: Add addional info to apc5 backend of HTML_Progress2_Upload
- drop support of UPM4 backend in HTML_Progress2_Upload (PHP4 patch for upload)
- fix lot of CS, following recommandation of PHP_CodeSniffer 1.0.1
- fix PHP minimum requirement (4.3.10)
- require now at least PEAR installer 1.5.4 rather than 1.4.3
(security vulnerability fixes)
- 2007-06-12 - HTML_Progress2 2.3.0 released
- No code changes since previous version, but license change from PHP 3.01 to BSD.
- Manual license Creative Commons version upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0
- 2007-02-12 - HTML_Progress2 2.3.0RC1 released
- HTML_Progress2 JS backend fix an error when percentage label is not available
- HTML_Progress2 JS backend add support for AJAX file upload operation
- 2007-02-02 - HTML_Progress2 2.3.0a3 released
- HTML_Progress2::toArray() return now FALSE when we use default standard JS backend
rather than its content, and if defined by HTML_Progress2::setScript() function,
the url of alternate script.
- HTML_Progress2::toArray() return now settings on AJAX client/server
- improve multi-label system and allow more free combination
- add phpdoc tags for AJAX support introduced with 2.3.0a2
- add support of AFLAX and upload file with 2 new methods : registerAFLAX() and setupAFLAX()
- 2007-01-23 - HTML_Progress2 2.3.0a2 released
- clean-up old implementation of AJAX progress bar; used now package HTML_AJAX
- Javascript function calls used now OOP notation
- Javascript code PB handler is now externalized into file HTML_Progress2.js
- new method setupAJAX()
- new implementation of method registerAJAX() (renamed too)
- HTML_Progress2::getScript has an optional 2nd parameter to support custom installation
- 2007-01-17 - HTML_Progress2 2.3.0a1 released
- drop support of cell id mask identifier (begin private)
- a progress bar widget (div) is now identified only by (see HTML_Progress2::getIdent())
rather than "tfrm" + (HTML_Progress2::getIdent())
- Default progress bar identifier (without prefix "tfrm") cannot be numeric (xhtml compliant)
- Improve Javascript function setProgress() which does not need anymore the third parameter.
- Improve Javascript function call to setElementStyle() and removed unecessary arguments
- fix typo error (millisecond term) in phpdoc tags
- add new methods : registerAjax(), and fileExists()
- add new classes: HTML_Progress2_Ajax_Common, HTML_Progress2_Ajax_StdDOMxml
- 2007-01-03 - HTML_Progress2 2.2.0 released
- add new function importStyle() to give ability to import an existing stylesheet
and separate PHP code from HTML layout (with CSS)
- improved javascript custom handler for JavaDanse example
related to version 2.1.1 (bug fixed #8684)
- include a new revision of User Guide (TDG) that cover all versions 2.x.x
- 2006-12-22 - HTML_Progress2 2.1.1 released
- fixed bug #8684
: Problem with generated JavaScript
- fixed "examples/generatorcus.php" to use new architecture
with external stylesheet introduced on August 11, 2006.
- used now "className" property rather than "visibility"
and reduced div tags count used to build a progress bar (only 10 rather than 20 )
- apply more CS (space code indent, ...)
- add "alt" attribute to img html-tag to be more xhtml compliant
- JS function "hideProgress" lose its second parameter (no more needed)
- 2006-08-12 - HTML_Progress2 2.1.0 released
- HTMLPage2, ITDynamic, and SmartyDynamic renderers for Progress2 Generator
used now the new architecture with external stylesheet.
- fix value return by apiVersion()
- progress meter use now its own event dispatcher (called "ProgressMeter")
- HTML_Progress2_Generator support now external stylesheet to easily customize look and feel
- removed dupplicates entries in package xml 1.0
- Fixed bug #8265
: HTML_Page2 wrong dependency
- fixed typo error on removeListener() function from HTML_Progress2
and HTML_Progress2_Monitor classes
- updates copyright date
- addListener() and removeListener() signatures changed.
Adds notification name serves as a filter
- 2006-05-24 - HTML_Progress2 2.0.1 released
- fixes closing html style tag to avoid javascript error.
- fixed bug #7437
: wrong text in Doc (thanks to Stefan Valouch for reading it carefully)
- The Definitive Guide revision number will now follow the package release version.
- upgrade license from PHP 3.0 to 3.01
- upgrade copyright notes until 2006
- PEAR::PHP_Compat package begin optional dependency (only required for PHP4)
- 2005-10-01 - HTML_Progress2 2.0.0 released
For HTML_Progress2_Lite class only :
- frame attribute border renamed to border-width
to keep a unified attribute names (follow CSS standard)
- add font-style attribute for all label categories
(ability to use italic for percent and text labels)
- background-color has transparent rather than null string by default (CSS standard)
- Fixed my first bug in setLabelAttributes method related to font group attributes
Other files
- active cell, and background progress meter support now
background-image, background-repeat, background-position attributes
- auto-size progress meter attribute was removed
- bug fixe: setBorderPainted(false) inefficient with setBorderAttributes()
- updates API comment blocks: following pattern -> summary + long description
- Fixed bug in moveNext() method: avoid exceed max limit
- Added @example tag to have ability to display (highlight) source code
- Added @link tag to have ability to display a screenshot (PNG image)
- Removed all @tutorial tag
- Added @ignore tag on all unit testcases and some other files
to avoid includes in API docs
- Added ChangeLog, and NEWS files
- 2005-08-01 - HTML_Progress2 2.0.0 RC2 released
- New observer pattern with help of PEAR Event_Dispatcher package.
- fixed Monitor stops before end when setMaximum is set to value higher than 200 (bug #4885)
- removes all HTML_CSS dependencies : generation of stylesheet is (average) 20 times faster
- all Examples are now back into main package. No more additional package.
- dependencies has been revisited to higher level
- 2005-06-23 - HTML_Progress2 2.0.0 RC1 released
- 2005-06-15 - HTML_Progress2 2.0.0 RC1 is very close now
- Full implementation of multiple label system:
- step, button, crossbar complete the percent and text options
- added the last example/demo : see label/mixed
- 2005-02-22 - HTML_Progress2 2.0.0 beta 1
- HTML_Progress2_Generator uses the new label system.
- HTML_Progress2::getPercentComplete() method has an optional parameter.
Render may be float (default) or integer.
- HTML_Progress2 API changed a bit to include the new label system:
- setCellCount() accept now zero as minimum value for smooth progress meter
(see also HTML_Progress2_Lite).
- moveNext() should replace incValue() (still exists)
- moveStep() should replace setValue() (still exists)
- setLabelAttributes() replaced setStringAttributes() (was removed)
- isStringPainted() and setStringPainted() were removed
- getString() was also removed
- setString() was removed and replaced by addLabel()
- HTML_Progress2_Monitor::callProgressHandler() public method was removed.
- adds the autorun option on HTML_Progress2_Monitor to run a progress monitor
without need to push the Start button.
- HTML_Progress2_Lite class is recommended to users that don't want to install PEAR.
This class has no dependencies.
- HTML_Progress2 included now the features of HTML_Progress_Lite:
window frame, buttons, labels (text, crossbar).
- News examples are available: See Multiple, Label, Lite version, Preload.
- More compatibilities with PHP5 (adds __construct method).
- 2005-01-08 - HTML_Progress2 2.0.0 alpha1
- DM and UI classes (from HTML_Progress 1.x) were merged into the main class.
- Model class (from HTML_Progress 1.x) was removed.
- A new error handling system that support native PEAR_Error (default), but also
PEAR_ErrorStack, and any other system you might want to plug-in.
- Progress2 and Generator does not support anymore external pre-set config file.
- Generator ActionProcess got two new methods to easily get PHP and/or CSS source code generated.
- All examples have been revisited (removed those who have the same goals).