Table of contents
- Horizontal - horizontal progress bars
- Vertical - vertical progress bars
- Polygonal - square and rectangle progress meter
- Circle/Ellipse - circle and ellipse progress meter
- Error Handling - how to handle errors
- Multiple - display more than one progress meter on the same page
- Indeterminate - progress meter run in indeterminate mode (unknown status)
- Observer - how yo implement the observer design pattern
- Preload - prepare results of long tasks
- Monitor - HTML_Progress2_Monitor usage
- Generator - HTML_Progress2_Generator usage
- Template - progress meter with template engine usage
- Label - add multiple labels around progress bar
- Lite version - standalone version (does not require PEAR to work)
- AJAX - asynchronous examples (opposite to default comet pattern)
- Horizontal
- This example will run a basic horizontal progress bar
in version 0.5 style
- How to use a picture instead of simple color for active cells
This example will run a natural horizontal progress bar with background pictures
- This example will run a natural horizontal progress bar with blue skin
It will also show you how to simulate percent text info outside the progress bar cell group,
delimited by a thin border.
- This example will run a plain horizontal progress bar
- This example will filled an horizontal progress bar from right to left
with javascript cell customization
It also show how to increase cell number (default is 10)
- This example will run a basic horizontal progress bar
without percent text info
- This example will run a horizontal progress bar with custom string
It's a PEAR packages installation simulation.
- Vertical
- This example will run a basic vertical progress bar,
beginning at 75%
- Polygonal
- This example will run four progress meter
that display a square 3x3
Starting at each corner
- This example will run a progress meter (square 4x4)
filled in reverse way
- This example will run a progress meter (rectangle 6x4)
filled in natural way
- Circle/Ellipse
- This example will display a plain circle 360 degree
- This example will display a plain ellipse 360 degree
- Error Handling
- PEAR_Error
- This example will show you how HTML_Progress2
handle errors (and especially exception) with default error handler
- This example will show you how to cutomize
HTML_Progress2 error handling with standard PEAR_Error object
- This example will show you how to ignore
HTML_Progress2 errors but keep them in stack
- This example will show you how to logs
HTML_Progress2 errors into a database
with PEAR::Log and sql driver
- PEAR_ErrorStack
- This example will show you how to cutomize
HTML_Progress2 error handling with PEAR_ErrorStack
- This example will show you how to ignore
HTML_Progress2 errors but keep them in stack
- This example will show you how to logs
HTML_Progress2 errors though PEAR::Log composite driver with PEAR_ErrorStack
- Multiple
- This example will run two progress meter
at same time on the same page
- This example will run two mixed progress meter
at same time on the same page
- Indeterminate
- This example will run a basic progress bar
in indeterminate mode (without monitor)
- This example will run a progress bar
in indeterminate mode (with monitor)
- Observer
- This example will run a progress bar
with the default observer pattern
- This example will run a complex observer mechanism
which run two progress bar
- Preload
- This example will hide a progress meter at end of
initialize process
- This example will display a progress meter while
loading a shockwave flash object
- This example will display a progress bar while
sending huge amount of mail (simulation)
- Monitor
- This example will run a default Progress2 Monitor
- This example will run a default Progress2 Monitor
with a custom message
Each quarter percent reached, elapse time is printed
- This example will run a Progress2 Monitor in indeterminate mode
- This example will run a default Progress2 Monitor,
which used a PEAR::HTML_Page2 generator as renderer
- This example will run a basic Progress2 Monitor,
which used a IT dynamic QuickForm renderer
- Generator
- This example will run the default Progress2 Generator Wizard that will help you
to build your own progress bar
- This example will run the default Progress2 Generator Wizard
display and process actions have been modified
- Template
- This example will run a progress bar into a window
of a pseudo-wizard
- Label
- This example will run a basic progress bar
with default label (percent info), using the relative position
- This example will run a basic progress bar
with default label (percent info), using the absolute position
- This example will run a basic progress bar
with percent info and additional text label, using the relative position
- This example will run a basic progress bar
with percent info and additional text label, using the absolute position
- This example will run a frame progress bar
with percent info and additional text label, using the absolute position
- This example will run a progress meter
with multiple labels around
- Lite version
- This example will run a basic horizontal progress bar
with absolute position
- This example will run a window style horizontal progress bar,
that you can cancel if you click on the stop button
- This example will run multiple progress bars on the same page
- This example will display a progress bar
while sending huge amount of mail (simulation)
- This example will run a natural horizontal
progress bar with background pictures, in asynchronous mode.
Use a simple (HTML_)AJAX server with only a PHP function as callback.
- This example will run a natural horizontal
progress bar with blue skin (example 1.3), in asynchronous mode.
Use an auto (HTML_)AJAX server with PHP class and methods.
- This example will run a natural horizontal
progress bar with background pictures (example 1.2), in asynchronous mode.
Use an auto (HTML_)AJAX server with PHP class and methods.
- This example will run a clone of example 15.1,
in asynchronous mode, with a final fade in effect.
Use a simple (HTML_)AJAX server with only a PHP function as callback, and
Scriptaculous Effects JS libraries.