* Display horizontal progress meter into html page
* built with ITX template system file.
* @version $Id: itxstatic.php,v 1.1 2005/06/12 21:09:09 farell Exp $
* @author Laurent Laville <pear@laurent-laville.org>
* @package HTML_Progress2
* @subpackage Examples
* @access public
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php';
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/ITStatic.php';
require_once 'HTML/Template/ITX.php';
require_once 'HTML/Progress2.php';
* The progress bar display messages
* of a software installation simulation.
* @param int $pValue current value of the progress bar
* @param object $pBar the progress bar itself
function myFunctionHandler($pValue, &$pBar)
$str = ' ';
if ($pValue > 25) {
$str = ' - DB schema generated';
if ($pValue > 50) {
$str = ' - Config file created';
if ($pValue == 100) {
$str = ' - All done !';
$caption = sprintf('Installation in progress ... %01s%s %s',
$pBar->setLabelAttributes('txt1', array('value' => $caption));
$tpl = new HTML_Template_ITX('.');
$vars = array (
'setup_title_label' => 'SW4P',
'app_copyright_label' => '© 2003 SW4P Team ',
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('form');
$form->addElement('submit', 'launch', 'Launch', 'style="width:100px;"');
$styles = array(
'none' => 'none',
'solid' => 'solid',
'dashed' => 'dashed',
'dotted' => 'dotted',
'inset' => 'inset',
'outset' => 'outset'
$form->addElement('select', 'border', 'border style:', $styles);
$colors = array('#FFFFFF' => 'white', '#0000FF'=> 'blue', '#7B7B88' => '#7B7B88');
$form->addElement('select', 'color', 'border color:', $colors);
$defaultValues['border'] = 'solid';
$defaultValues['color'] = '#7B7B88';
if ($form->validate()) {
$arr = $form->getElementValue('border');
$border = $arr[0];
$arr = $form->getElementValue('color');
$color = $arr[0];
} else {
$border = $defaultValues['border'];
$color = $defaultValues['color'];
$pb = new HTML_Progress2(null, HTML_PROGRESS2_BAR_HORIZONTAL, 0, 100, false);
$pb->setCellAttributes('active-color=#7B7B88 inactive-color=#D0D0D0 width=20');
'width' => 2,
'color' => $color,
'style' => $border
// Adds additional text label
$pb->addLabel(HTML_PROGRESS2_LABEL_TEXT, 'txt1');
$pb->setLabelAttributes('txt1', array(
'font-size' => 10,
'width' => 320,
'left' => 0,
'valign' => 'bottom'
$tpl->setVariable('stylesheet_html', $pb->getStyle());
$tpl->setVariable('javascript_html', $pb->getScript());
$tpl->setVariable('progress_bar_html', $pb->toHtml());
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic($tpl);
if ($form->validate()) {