I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.4.1.
This version is only for HTML_Progress2_Generator users (if any).
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.4.0.
This version can display more information (current filename, speed limit, time left)
with HTML_Progress2_Upload (AJAX Upload support) and two remaining backend APC
and uploadProgress PHP extensions. PHP4 patch support was dropped.
This version fixed also a bug and some coding standard errors/warnings.
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.3.0.
This version has no code changes since previous release (RC1), but change license from PHP 3.01 to new BSD
(give more freedom).
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.3.0RC1.
This version add file upload support with HTML_AJAX and multiple backend
(PHP5 and APC, PHP5 and uploadprogress extension, PHP 4 patch)
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.3.0a3.
This third alpha release of version 2.3.0 introduces file upload support for
both PHP4 and PHP5 with AFLAX (the AJAX for Adobe Flash Platform 8 or greater).
AJAX progress bar live demos (examples part 15.) are available. You can find 4 examples included into
the last distribution (2.3.0a2) with some code explains.
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.3.0a2.
This second alpha release of version 2.3.0 introduces a new implementation
of the new feature: Ajax progress bar.
Use now the PEAR
HTML_AJAX package,
rather than my owner solution (came with alpha1).
HTML_Progress2::getScript function support now PEAR installer and custom installation
to retrieve JavaScript resource HTML_Progress2.js
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.3.0a1.
This first alpha release of version 2.3.0 introduces the new feature: Ajax progress bar.
User Guide(s) (offline and online) will not be update until final stable release 2.3.0;
If you want some informations about Ajax progress bar, and how to do it, please
read the mini guide HOWTO_AJAX.txt (available only for alpha releases of version 2.3.0).
This version requires now PHP 4.3.0 minimum to work.
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.2.0.
This version include the new function importStyle() that will allow to separate
PHP code from HTML design (with css). See Migration Guide, new features chapter,
Reuse CSS part of the fresh version of TDG for details.
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.1.1 User Guide.
Versions online and offline were improved with tidy (xhtml compliant)
and with geshi (PHP source code highlighted).
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.1.1.
This version fixed a javascript error and improved code generation.
Custom Generator (example 11.2) used now the new architecture with external
stylesheet introduced on August 11, 2006. (StyleSheet Problem fixed)
Download statistics of the latest release are now back. See Download tab.
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.1.0.
This version fix a typo error in two methods, and a wrong version in HTML_Page2 dependency (package xml).
HTML_Progress2_Generator support now to use an external stylesheet to easily change colors, font, ...
I'm glad to announce too that The Definitive Guide is now complete
with section related to HTML_Progress2_Generator (missing since a long time). I've
also updated the FAQ and add new examples in Appendixes section. Enjoy !
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.0.1.
Even it's a minor bugs fixe release (doc typo error, and html syntax error),
I recommand to upgrade before incoming 2.1.0 in next months (with new features).
After a bit more than a year, I have decided to change skin of the site.
Yesterday it was HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect website.
I hope you will enjoy changes. One tear, for the old layout of year 2005 !
2005-11-09 - Website examples pages updated.
All examples have now merged pages render options and source code
to be more readable in following explains.
I would like to announce the availability of
HTML_Progress2 2.0.0
After one alpha version, one beta version and two releases candidate, nine months of works
since i've begun the migration of HTML_Progress 1.2.x.
This first major stable version is ready for production.
I'm pleased to announce that this new version provides you with new and exiting features that will
make your HTML_Progress2 experience even better.
Don't forget to have a look on "The Definitive Guide",
a guide to and reference for both beginner and expert users.
The binary distribution include english many html pages version of the guide, but much more format
are available to download.
The final version 2.0.0 of the API Documentation is available to view it online.
The second release candidate of HTML_Progress2 2.0.0
is available. This version adds a new observer pattern. Even if it's pretty stable,
do not use this version in production systems, but test it and report bugs!
The first release candidate of HTML_Progress2 2.0.0
is available. This version adds all new features planned. Even if it's pretty stable,
do not use this version in production systems, but test it and report bugs!
The HTML_Progress2 Examples bundle
is available. You are able to install it using
pear install HTML_Progress2_Examples-2.0.0.tgz as any other PEAR package.
You can find inside all live demos of this site.
Its requires HTML_Progress2 2.0.0RC1 or better (available very soon ...)
The last example "Label/mixed" concluded the long story of a multiple label
system implementation. Migration from original version HTML_Progress and
the next generation: HTML_Progress2 is now over !
As i plan to publish a first Release Candidate on the PEAR website in next days,
i've renamed beta1 the previous RC1.
The site has a new architecture, and layout was improved since first attempt (Feb 22).
HTML_Progress2 homepage has a new layout.
The first beta of HTML_Progress2
is available. Besides a lot of code improvements and bugs fixed, this version adds all
new features planned.
It also included an independent class (HTML_Progress2_Lite), recommended for no PEAR users.
This version includes news examples that show the new features such as multiple label system.
Have a look on Multiple, Label, Lite version, Preload.
Do not use this version in production systems, but test it and report bugs!
The examples tree has a new category: Template Integration.
First example ITXStatic use the IT[x] template engine with PEAR::HTML_Template_IT package.
The first alpha version of HTML_Progress2
is available.
Besides a lot of code improvements this version adds a new error handling system
that support native PEAR_Error object but also PEAR_ErrorStack, and any other system you might
want to plug-in. By the way, this release does not yet includes new features of
the major second version.
Do not use this version in production systems, but test it and report bugs!